Posted on Tuesday, 14 Aug 2018
The Toyota Cheetahs will wear a newly designed playing strip in the 2018 / 19 Guinness Pro14 season. The well recognized Orange jersey are now broken up with white hoops and will be accompanied by orange sorts and orange socks. This design will also be used for the new supporter’s replica jersey that will hit the South African market in the latter part of September 2018. The Toyota Cheetahs alternative strip will consist of a crisp white traditional jersey accompanied by white shorts and orange socks to give the more traditional Toyota Cheetahs look and feel.
The 2018 Toyota Free State Currie Cup jersey was inspired by the 2006 and 2007 strip in which the Free State Cheetahs won the prestigious trophy. This new retro design will paired with black shorts and the traditional red socks.