Posted on Thursday, 07 Nov 2019
Statement by Free State Rugby and Jerry Segwaba, President of the Free State Rugby Union
Free State Rugby experienced unprecedented unhappiness and disappointment from all over the central region this week about the news that the Springbok trophy tour will not be visiting the central region of South Africa.
Free State Rugby shares the frustration and unhappiness of supporters, specifically due to the fact that the central region has not been included in the victory tour of the Springboks.
Free State Rugby shares the feeling with Central South-Africa that the Springboks should have included the region in the tour because of the support that the Springboks enjoy in this part of the country.
The region produced a number of Springboks, coaches, referees and administrators over the years and specifically in this World Cup (11 persons were involved - including coaches, players, and even the referee, Jaco Peyper).
According to SARU, the decision was based on challenges relating to Regulation 9, which means that the Springbok players must return to their contracted entities, national and abroad, by Monday and that it was difficult to fit Central South-Africa into the travel schedule.
After discussions with SARU and after unbridled demand from rugby supporters, the general public and Government, SARU has indicated to that they will possibly send the trophy and a number of players to the Central region at a later stage.
Springbok Wêreldbekertrofee-Toer
Vrystaat Rugby het die laaste week ongekende ongelukkigheid en teleurstelling van oral ervaar oor die nuus dat die Sentrale Streek van Suid-Afrika nie in die toer van die Springbokke en die Wêreldbekertrofee ingesluit is nie.
Vrystaat Rugby deel die frustrasie en ongelukkigheid en ook die gevoel dat die Springbokke Sentraal Suid-Afrika moet besoek, veral omdat daar so ‘n groot ondersteunersbasis in die streek is.
‘n Groot aantal Springbokspelers, afrigters, skeidsregters en administrateurs, het in hul rugbyloopbane ‘n pad deur die streek geloop, en by vanjaar se Wêreldbeker was 11 persone betrokke gewees wat deur die streek gekom het. Hulle sluit afrigters, spelers en selfs die skeidsregter, Jaco Peyper in.
Volgens SARU is die besluit gebaseer op die uitdagings wat betrekking het tot Regulasie 9, wat bepaal dat die Springbokspelers reeds Maandag by hulle onderskeie entiteite, nasionaal en internasionaal, moet aansluit. Dit was daarom vir hulle moeilik om die sentrale streek by die reisskedule in te sluit.
Na besprekings met SARU en druk van die publiek, ondersteuners en die Regering, het SARU aangedui dat hulle moontlik die Wêreldbeker troffee en spelers op ‘n latere stadium na Sentraal Suid-Afrika sal stuur.