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Free State Rugby celebrates 126 years of running rugby

Posted on Saturday, 27 Mar 2021

Free State Rugby celebrates 126 years of running rugby

The Free State Rugby union today celebrates its 126th birthday. The union’s rich and interesting history is recorded in a book entitled Cheetahland: 125 Jaar van Lief en Leed (initially only in Afrikaans), which is currently in production and will be for sale towards the middle of the year. Not only the history but all the matches which the union played since its inception on 27 March 1895 up to 27 March 2020 are recorded in the book, as well as the names of each of the 1 611 players who represented the union during this time.

The book, written by Mr Statistics, Frikkie van Rensburg and published by Free State Cheetahs (Pty) Ltd, will cost about R400. Only 1 000 copies will be printed, so it is important to get on the waiting list by e-mailing us your name, the number of books you want to order and your contact details at media@fsrugby.co.za.


Die Vrystaat-rugby-unie, wat vandag sy 126ste bestaansjaar vier, se ryke en interessante geskiedenis is opgeteken in ‘n boek getitel Cheetahland: 125 Jaar van Lief en Leed, wat tans in produksie is en teen Junie te koop sal wees. Nie net die geskiedenis nie, maar die uitslae van elke wedstryd sedert die unie se stiging op 27 Maart 1895 tot en met 27 Maart 2020 is in die boek opgeteken: so ook die name van elk van die 1 611 spelers wat in dié tydperk vir die Vrystaat en die Cheetahs uitgedraf het.

Die boek, geskryf deur Meneer Statistiek, Frikkie van Rensburg, en uitgegee deur Vrystaat Cheetahs (Edms) Bpk, sal sowat R400 kos. Aangesien net 1 000 eksemplare gedruk gaan word, is dit belangrik dat jy jou naam so gou moontlik op die waglys plaas. Stuur jou naam, die getal boeke wat jy wil bestel en jou kontakbesonderhede aan: media@fsrugby.co.za.

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