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Free State Rugby Union: Women's Rugby League 2023

Posted on Wednesday, 15 Mar 2023

Free State Rugby Union: Women's Rugby League 2023

The Free State Rugby Union introduces Mangaung Metro League which is set to kick-start on Saturday, 18 March 2023 -13 May 2023.

Ten (10) teams will participate in the league. The league will be played across the pool as a single round.

Pool A: Botshabelo, Colesberg Queens, Collegians, CUT, Spartans.

Pool B: Lesotho Highlands, Mangaung, Grootvlei, Tempe Badgers, UFS Wolverines



The semi-finals will be played as follows:

Semi-Final 1: The team in Position 1 in Pool A will play against the group in Position 2 in Pool B

Semi-Final 2: The team in Position 1 in Pool B will play against the group in Position 2 in Pool B


The winner of semi-final 1 vs the winner of semi-final 2



The semi-finals will be played as follows:

Semi-Final 3: The team in Position 3 in Pool A will play against the group in Position 4 in Pool B

Semi-Final 4: The team in Position 4 in Pool B will play against the group in Position 3 in Pool A


The winner of Semi-Final 3 vs the winner of Semi-Final 4

Upcoming Fixture:

18 March 2023:

Botshabelo vs UFS Wolverines - 17:00, UFS Field 2

Lesotho Highlands vs Colesberg Queens - 14:00, UFS Field 2

Collegians vs Mangaung - Mangaung - 15:30, UFS Field 3

CUT vs Grootvlei - 15:30, UFS Field 2

Spartans vs Tempe Badgers - 14:00, UFS Field 3

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