Most Memorable Moment on the Rugby Field:
My most memorable moment on the rugby field was playing for Grey College's 1st team and walking out as the captain. It stands out because it was a big privilege to lead a school with such rich history and tradition.
Pre-Game Rituals or Superstitions:
No, I don’t have any specific pre-game rituals or superstitions that I follow before every match.
Biggest Inspiration:
Ardi Savea has been my biggest inspiration. He’s a hard worker, and despite being considered small for a loose forward, he still competes with the best. His determination and work ethic have greatly influenced me.
Funniest Player in the Squad:
The funniest player in our squad is definitely Oupa Mohoje. He always brings humor and light-heartedness to the team.
Challenging Moment in My Rugby Career:
A challenging moment in my rugby career was when I was playing for the D team at school. I overcame it by working hard, which eventually led to my improvement and progress.
Away From Rugby:
Away from the rugby field, I enjoy playing indoor soccer. It’s one of my favorite activities to help unwind and relax.
Advice to Young Aspiring Rugby Players:
My advice to young aspiring rugby players is that hard work will always beat talent. Stay dedicated, and never give up on improving yourself.
Most Unusual Place I’ve Played Rugby:
The most unusual or interesting place I’ve played rugby was in Thabazimbi, Limpopo.
Rugby Legends for a Braai:
If I could invite three rugby legends to a braai, they would be Ardi Savea, Duane Vermeulen, and Heinrich Brussouw.
Can I Light a Fire Without Blitz?
Yes, I can light a fire without using blitz.
Best Try Celebration I've Witnessed:
The Griddy.
Best Piece of Advice I've Been Given:
Never underestimate your abilities.
Highlight of My Playing Career:
EPCR debut.
Favorite Rugby Stadium:
Ellis Park.
Athlete I Look Up To:
LeBron James.
Toughest Opponent I've Ever Played Against:
Most Memorable Try Scored:
Lions U21 final.
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